Three Gates

1. Gate of Shadows

where the light is dim

they press into each other

overlap like ink wash

or black tissue collage

push forward, ask to be seen

recognized as they once were:

a mother with long-distance eyes

a father who needed buttresses 

they stand and flutter

in a stream of stories,

mostly untrue,


we are not us,

we are you

2. Gate of the Soul

Peel off the layers

where the real fruit glistens gold

illusions lie discarded, crackly and brown

fuzzy with green mold

here what is true belongs to all

each luscious naked lump

blends into another

until all are poured into

a single, shimmering sea

3.Gate of Responsibility

clear away the webs of gauze

clear away the lies and deceptions

find a quiet site in forgiving light

a corner, a haven, a cave

be there, each morning or evening

sit down and imprint your shape

in sweet, soft clay

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May you begin a new day


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Tuesday, 11 February 2025